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Ios Apps Charts In China

카테고리 없음

by bsafaddarbio1978 2020. 2. 7. 19:32


  1. Ios App Store
  2. Ios Apps Charts In China Free
  3. Iphone Ios Chart

There are so many Apps in Chinese App store. Following China economic development, tons of enterprises expand their business into China. Worthwhile, a large numbers of people pay attention to China, that they want to learn Chinese culture.

Let's look at how to create interactive charts in native iOS apps. Learn to build wonderful charts with a few lines of code for your iPhone and iPad apps. This tutorial showcases how you can create interactive charts for iOS applications using FusionCharts. A year later, the sequel, Migalolo, performed even better, hitting No 4 on the iOS chart with well over 100,000 downloads – at one point beating such apps as Amazon’s Audible and even the King. Some Chinese Apps is only available in Chinese iTunes store, so users who want to download those region restricted Apps in Chinese iTunes store have to create second Apple ID into China. Because I like to play games, I will show the top charts of game in Chinese Apple store On 24th, March.

Listen Chinese music, play Chinese games, watch Chinese dramaetc. Hence, I will show you how to download free Apps from Chinese App store without credit card. Some Chinese Apps is only available in Chinese iTunes store, so users who want to download those region restricted Apps in Chinese iTunes store have to create second Apple ID into China.

Because I like to play games, I will show the top charts of game in Chinese Apple store On 24th, March. Game Top Charts in Chinese Apple Store 3/24 Top 6 Paid Game App Hitman Sniper Gumballs Take Risk Give it Up Underground castle dark Awakening Shadow Realm 2 Top 6 Free Game Apps King of Glory Happy Doudizhu Happy mahjong Dragon Nest Happy to eliminate Gluttonous Snake Top 6 Grossing Game Apps King of Glory Fantasy Westward Journey Dragon Nest Naruto Mobile A Chinese ghost story Onmyoji Do you want to download those game Apps or other free Apps from Chinese Apple store? If yes, follow me to get started! Register Chinese Apple ID W/O Credit Card Register one Chinese Apple ID to access China iTunes store is very easy. The point is to enter correct billing address and phone number. When you get error like the App is only available in Chinese iTunes store, or you can’t find the Chinese App in your native App store.

Ios App Store

It means there is region restricted with the App. If you don’t have credit card, alipay, union pay, follow me to create China Apple ID now.

Prerequisites:. One PC or iOS device like iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. China address. Valid Chinese Phone Number.If you don’t know Chinese language, and want to the register pages are in English.

Please ahead to Settings – General – Language&Region to set language as English. Step #1 Please log out your previous Apple ID, then choose one free App to install. Step #2 Tap Create New Apple ID as photo to get started to create Chinese Apple ID. Step #3 Tap China as the Apple ID region.


Tap 取消 to make the iTunes Store shows Apps in China iTunes Store. (T he step is the point to create CN Apple ID without credit card.) Step #4 Choose one free App to install, tap Create New Apple ID.

Ios Apps Charts In China Free

Input email address, password and agree terms. Step #5 Enter name, security info, and birth of date. Step #6 Choose 无 as payment. If you can’t find the option, please double check the steps you just followed. If yes but don’t have None option, get connected to. Step #7 Type Chinese address for create China Apple ID to access Chinese iTunes store.

This is the Chinese billing address I typed in my Chinese Apple ID. You can also input the into to create your CN Apple ID. Address: 上海普陀区 Address: 曹杨路 Postcode: 200333 Region: 上海 Province: Shanghai Phone: 8723161 Step #8 Access email to check verification code. Input code, then pop up the page says a verification email has been sent to email.

Iphone Ios Chart

Step #9 Log in your Chinese Apple ID just created. Once log in, it will pop up alert message. It is “this Apple ID is only valid for purchase in the Chinese iTunes store. You will be switched to that store”.

All things are done. Created Chinese Apple ID without credit card successfully. If you still can’t bypass it, you can also. Conclusion Are you still looking for ways to create second Apple ID to access Chinese iTunes store? If yes, this article is very helpful for you.

Follow the step by step to register Chinese Apple ID with China address, phone number. Then just need several steps to create Chinese Apple ID without credit card and Chinese payment methods. If you think this article is useful, hope you can share it to support us.